☎ (+91)7208782500 | ✉ sales@giftasketch.com


About Us

We at Giftasketch.com provide high quality handmade and digital paintings at affordable prices. It is a one stop place for artists and art lovers worldwide.  Our team of talented artists creates wide variety of artworks in different art styles and art mediums.

Our main goal is to connect art lovers with artists worldwide, and make the artwork available to everyone at cheap price.

Main subjects of our artwork are human portraits, animal portraits, and house portraits. Our team also has skilled artists in abstract paintings, surrealistic paintings, Pop art and many more art styles. All types of painting requirements can be full filled here.

For any queries and business enquiries contact us at sales@giftasketch.com.

Giftasketch.com is a part of KALAKARI HANDMADE PAINTINGS
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